Ensuring Equal Voting Rights for Individuals with Disabilities in San Tan Valley, AZ

Learn about the ongoing efforts in San Tan Valley, AZ to ensure that all polling locations are accessible for individuals with disabilities and the importance of voting rights for this population.

Ensuring Equal Voting Rights for Individuals with Disabilities in San Tan Valley, AZ

As the 2020 election approaches, it is important to guarantee that all individuals have equal access to exercise their right to vote. This includes individuals with disabilities, who may face barriers when it comes to accessing polling locations. In San Tan Valley, AZ, there are ongoing efforts to ensure that all polling locations are accessible for individuals with disabilities.

The Significance of Voting Rights for Individuals with Disabilities

Voting is a fundamental right for all citizens in the United States. It is a way for individuals to have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives and their communities.

However, for individuals with disabilities, exercising this right can be challenging due to physical, sensory, or cognitive barriers. According to the American Association of People with Disabilities, there are approximately 35 million eligible voters with disabilities in the United States. This is a significant portion of the population that should not be excluded from participating in the democratic process.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities and ensure equal access to public services and accommodations. This includes polling locations during elections. Under the ADA, all polling locations must be accessible for individuals with disabilities. This means that they must have ramps or other means of entry for individuals who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices.

They must also have accessible voting machines and materials for individuals with visual or cognitive impairments. In addition, poll workers must be trained on how to assist individuals with disabilities and provide any necessary accommodations.

Accessible Polling Locations in San Tan Valley, AZ

In San Tan Valley, AZ, there are ongoing efforts to ensure that all polling locations are accessible for individuals with disabilities. The Pinal County Elections Department has been working closely with disability advocates to identify and address any barriers that may exist. One of the main concerns for individuals with disabilities is the physical accessibility of polling locations. The Pinal County Elections Department has been conducting site surveys to identify any potential barriers and make necessary modifications. This includes installing ramps, widening doorways, and providing accessible parking spaces. In addition, the Pinal County Elections Department has been working to ensure that all voting machines are accessible for individuals with disabilities.

This includes providing audio ballots for individuals with visual impairments and touch screen options for individuals with physical disabilities. Furthermore, the Pinal County Elections Department has been training poll workers on how to assist individuals with disabilities and provide any necessary accommodations. This includes providing sign language interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and offering curbside voting for individuals who are unable to enter the polling location.

Advocating for Voting Rights in San Tan Valley, AZ

While efforts are being made to ensure accessible polling locations in San Tan Valley, AZ, there is still more work to be done. Disability advocates are continuing to push for improvements and raise awareness about the importance of voting rights for individuals with disabilities. The Arizona Center for Disability Law is one organization that is actively advocating for voting rights in San Tan Valley and throughout the state of Arizona. They provide resources and support for individuals with disabilities who may face barriers when it comes to exercising their right to vote. In addition, the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund is another organization that is working towards ensuring equal access to voting for individuals with disabilities.

They provide information and resources on voting rights and advocate for policies that promote accessibility.


Ensuring equal access to voting for individuals with disabilities is crucial in upholding the principles of democracy. In San Tan Valley, AZ, efforts are being made to ensure that all polling locations are accessible for individuals with disabilities. However, there is still more work to be done and it is important for disability advocates to continue pushing for improvements and raising awareness about the importance of voting rights for individuals with disabilities.